Our Projects

All projects are thought of and developed by students over the course of a semester.

Fall 2021 - Goal Tracking Application

Original submission
"An accountability/self-discipline web app with a rewards system if they finish their goals for the week/month. Another feature could be friends component in the app where users can get feedback and advice from friends"
Fall 2019 - Conversational AI

Original submission
"AI that allows the user to have a natural conversation with the software"
Winter 2019 - Club Management App
Original submission
"An application to reform how clubs at Michigan do recruiting. As the Head of Recruitment in a club, I have often seen that recruitment and keeping a count of who is in the club and who is not becoming a challenge. I wanted to form an intelligent systems which aids clubs in maintaining people. This would mean letting people in at the start of the term. Tracking who is doing what and kicking out people who haven't been active autonomously. This doesn't need to be AI. it just needs to have limitations set which we can control. This can help us keep track of who is active and who is inactive in the club. Things that this application would do:Let members join in by a joining club form.Note participation during meetings.Keep a track of who is doing what by either scraping trello or just general reporting to the tool we develop. Remove people monthly who haven't done enough work after confirmation from admin.Send emails through this platform to club members who are active and inactive. (We can still maintain the list)Re-add members during the term by admin. Refresh projects and goals (by admin) and re-add active members at the end of the term.I feel like this is not a very easy or difficult project and can definitely be done in the time-frame of three months. As there can be multiple functions to it. Each team can be assigned different functions in a Django app where we can make admin and user accounts and set permissions accordingly. This platform can be used to add people to their team - segregate based on projects and track members easily. It can also make analytics very simple for team leaders."
Fall 2020 - User Generated "Yelp" Site
Original submission
"What I am proposing is a website that which people who love to travel as well as those who find themselves in an unknown town will benefit from. This website would consist of a map that has a search bar at the top where you could click either “my location,” or type in the city, county or zip code. Through this search, much can be learned about what locals and visitors do in that particular area. The way that this information would be collected would be similar to how Wikipedia runs as anyone can add their experiences- this would be done by having a button at the bottom that prompts the users to add information that may say “I’m a local here!,” “I live here,” or “I like to visit here!” Thus, you can use this website to search for experiences or add what you preferences are. Therefore, this website would primarily have information provided by those who lived in these areas. For example, if you had lived in Ann Arbor, you could link different websites to places that you like to go while in the area. Furthermore, you could also create a small memo of what you like to do that doesn’t necessarily have a link (such as a trail that you prefer to hike or a beautiful scenic area) as well as the option to include if there were any necessary fees during the visit. After some review; places to stay, eat, as well as inclusive experiences would be available to those who searched for this specific city. After completion, the team would review the information collected from the locals/ visitors and deem it appropriate or inappropriate for publishing. This website has the potential for those to learn about experiences that they couldn’t necessarily find elsewhere on the internet."